Sprint Life Hacking

Imagine my surprise when I received my Sprint bill with overage charges greater than my monthly bill this month! Turns out, I had a lot of land line calls this past month.

Here’s the deal:

Sprint has a cheaper unlimited plan ($69.99) and a more expensive unlimited plan ($99.99). What’s the difference? One word: Land Lines. On the cheaper plan, you have 450 anytime minutes when calling out to or receiving calls in from a land line. Anything over your 450 minutes for landline calls is charged at $.45/minute.

Here’s the hack:

Sprint has a little known feature where you can call them (up to the last day of your billing cycle) and pay $5/100 minutes for overage minutes. This means that you could use up to 600 minutes OVER the 450 allocated to the plan, pay for them at the $5/100 minutes rate (a total of $30) and break even compared to the more expensive “unlimited unlimited” plan.


Unless you are sure that you need over 1050 minutes of calls to and from landlines each month, you should use Sprint’s cheaper unlimited plan. Use Siri or a regular calendar reminder to alert you 5 days before your billing cycle is up to check you minutes usage with *4. If you are over your allotted 450 minutes, call Sprint and pay the $5/100 minutes.

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